Is your business focused on producing live events? Or is your business mainly setting up lights and monitors? This page will help let you know what types of coverages are available to you. Remember you can reach out to us anytime. Our specialty insurance brokerage is here to help.
It's different than your standard business policy, and it should be.
Most standard insurance companies are geared towards main street type businesses, like t shirt stores and ice cream shops. ‘Standard, or ‘typical’ businesses are easier to insure due to the fact that they are predictable and calculable. This is precisely why most standard companies do not insure those businesses that fall outside of their comfort zone. Often times, these ‘standard’ insurance companies will call anything outside their comfort zone, ineligible for coverage. Such decisions could be disastrous for your business. Although we do business with many standard carriers, Kelly Insurance Group recognizes this issue and is transparent and forthright about the answer.
If your staging or lighting company still purchases ‘small business’ insurance, more likely than not your insurance company may not know what they are insuring. If the insurance company does not know what they are insuring, do you think the coverage is correct?
Whether you are a lighting designer, sound engineer, staging company, or any other entertainment related business operation, Kelly Insurance Group will find the best rates for you. Do you have an impossible time getting certificates of insurance? Kelly Insurance Group can fix that problem. All of our customers have the ability to generate their own certificates of insurance.
Feel free to reach out to us anytime.
The Special Property Coverage Form provides replacement cost coverage (unless another valuation method has been selected) on Business Personal Property against risks of direct physical loss or damage not otherwise excluded. The Business Personal Property definition may include the following as Covered Property.
- Personal Property of Others held by the Insured but belonging in whole or in part to others.
- Tools and Equipment owned by insured’s employees used in the insured’s operations.
- Tenant Improvements and Betterments that are made part of a non-owned building the insured occupies but can’t legally remove and were made or acquired at the insured’s expense exclusive of rent payments.
- Leased personal property which the insured has a contractual responsibility to insure, except as provided by Personal Property of Others.
Increased limits are available for Personal Property of Others and Tenants Improvements and Betterments.
On Premise – Covers loss or damage to items specifically scheduled as on-premises personal property. This property can be owned by the insured or by others for which the insured is liable. Individual items are scheduled during issuance.
Musical Instrument Coverage – Covers loss or damage to specifically scheduled musical instruments. This property can be owned by the insured or by others for which the insured is liable. Individual items are scheduled during issuance.
Give us a call today at (412) 325-1650, we are happy to help and we’re licensed in most states.
Covers the fraudulent transfer of money, securities and other intrinsically valued property through the use of any electronic, telegraphic, cable, teletype, telefacsimile or telephone instruction. The coverage applies to the unauthorized transfer of property from the insured’s premises or banking premises to a person or place outside those premises.
Coverage is also provided for loss of money and securities resulting directly from a fraudulent instruction directing a financial institution to transfer, pay or deliver money and securities from the insured’s transfer account.
Dishonest or criminal acts committed by the insured’s employees, directors and officers are not covered under this form.
Covers the loss to autos which are hired or borrowed.
Covers materials and supplies used by the insured at a jobsite that will become a permanent part of the structure. Coverage applies while the supplies are in transit to and from the job site, while at the job site; and while in temporary storage awaiting installation. Covered property includes materials and supplies of the insured and property of others for which the insured is legally liable. This also includes materials already installed and the labor expended on installation.
Coverage is afforded an an actual cas basis (including the cost of labor and material already installed). When determing the proper limit, remember that each item must be insured for its total actual cash value at the time of the loss. (Actual cash value= replacement cost – depreciation). The limit is derived by the number of job sites and the limit at each site. The multiplication of these two options produces the total occurrence limit
Covers claims from a negligent act or omission in the administration of the named insured’s employee benefit programs. This Coverage is provided on an occurrence basis with an aggregate limit. The ”Each Claim” limit must be equal to the Liability and Medical Expenses Limit of the policy.
This coverage allows the insured to schedule specific contractors equipment that is either owned by the insured or owned by others that the insured has leased or rented by contract and for which the insured is legally liable. Equipment that is permanently mounted on vehicles that are subject to motor vehicle registration can not be scheduled as covered property and should be scheduled on a commercial Auto policy.
Rental Reimbursement extends coverage for rental expenses that the insured incurs to substitute equipment that was damaged from a covered cause of loss.
Actual cash value applies for this coverage (Actual Cash value = replacement cost- depreciation).
The individual items will be scheduled during the issuance process. The limit entered for rating should total the ACV for all items that you are scheduling.
Covers damages the insured is legally obligated to pay due to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use, loading or unloading of a hired or non-owned automobile in connection with the insured’s business.
Covers loss or damage to Business Personal Property of the insured and Personal Property of Others while in transit at the insured’s risk between points within the coverage territory. This includes shipments by motor vehicles not owned, leased or operated by the Insured; railroad car; or, aircraft.